2012 3rd Quarter snap shot of the current Asheville Real Estate Report for Buncombe County.
Data presented is from the Western North Carolina Regional MLS:
- Currently, there are 7,660 residential properties listed
- Volume SOLD YTD is $2,465,119,265 versus $1,911,586,716 last year (up 28.96%)
- Units SOLD YTD is 11,979 sold this year versus 9,765 units sold last year (up 18.49%)
- Average Sales Price in 2012 so far is $246,076
- Median selling price $195,000
- Average asking price $404,947
- Average days on the market before selling- 165
- Number of properties sold for more than $1milion in 2012 – 20
- Number of properties currently available with the asking price of more than $1 million – 185